ReportHome / Make a Report / Report Report a Concern Your InformationPlease provide your name, phone number(s), and email address. This information will be used to follow-up with you concerning this report. Providing your contact information is optional; however, not providing your contact information may limit the university’s ability to respond to your concern. Name First Last PhoneEmail Your ConcernPlease Note, this report will be sent to: Student Support and Advocacy, Human Resources (Employee Relations), and Police & Public Safety.Is the person of concern a Student or Employee?(Required) Student Employee Other / Unknown Title IX DisclaimerPlease Note: If you have Title IX concern, please submit a Title IX Report. This link can be used by non-confidential employees to file a mandatory report of possible Title IX Prohibited Conduct and any others wishing to file a report with the Title IX Office. If you are filing a self-report and would prefer to remain anonymous, please use the Anonymous Title IX Incident Reporting form. If you decide to self-report via the anonymous form, the Title IX Office will likely be limited in providing resources, support, and options to you. A list of resources, including Confidential Resources, is available on the George Mason University Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion website.Narrative(Required)Please identify the individual by first and last name, the location or location(s) of the observed behavior, a description of the behavior, and your concerns. Please provide as much information as possible about the incident(s) that prompted you to submit this report.Police & Public Safety DisclaimerIf you would prefer not to be contacted by Police & Public Safety, please select "I do NOT wish to be contacted by Police & Public Safety" below. Please note, while Mason's Police & Public Safety team will do their best to respect your wishes not to be contacted, certain circumstances mandate a response to the reporter of the concern. I do NOT wish to be contacted by Police & Public Safety Would you like to receive a full copy of this form once submitted?(Required)All fields entered will be delivered to the email address entered above. Yes, please email me a copy of my submission. No, I do not want a copy of this submission sent to my email.